

Meet Brittany, Owner and Event Planner

I knew from an early age that the hospitality industry was meant for me. After pursuing my love for culinary and pastry arts, I graduated culinary school and then decided to push even further into hospitality and event management at Buffalo State University.

Upon earning my degree, I moved on from Buffalo to continue developing my expertise and expanding my career in private clubs and resort management working in Vermont, St. Louis, and Philadelphia. I worked my way through the planning and execution of hundreds of events and weddings. My type “A” personality really shined in this environment and I knew this is what I was meant to be doing. Working in private clubs allowed me to create long-term relationships with my members / clients and become a part of their family. They would trust me with all of their life celebrations - birthday parties, anniversary dinners, corporate parties, holidays, weddings, and so much more.

In 2019, I planned my own wedding - quite literally because I was the Catering & Events Manager at the venue. I even made the signage, wedding cake & floral arrangements on my own - which I could totally make my side hustle, but for now I just keep those skills in my back pocket and whip them out when needed.

After 8 years of working in the hospitality industry and moving around, my husband and I relocated back to our hometown of Buffalo, NY after my husband accepted a job offer that we couldn’t resist. It was perfect timing as we anticipated the arrival of our first baby and could start the next chapter in our lives surrounded by our family and friends in the city we both love!

They say you never work a day in your life if you love what you do and that couldn’t be more true for me. I look forward to all the new relationships I build and memories I can create for my clients.

My Mission


Less Stress, More Enjoying

Planning an event is stressful and hosting an event is a lot of responsibility. I want to take away all of the pressure and stress so you can enjoy creating memories that you can look back on.

Knowledge is Power

Having someone with experience and expertise makes all the difference in planning an event. It’s important to ask the right questions and communicate the details to everyone involved for the best execution possible.

Details, Details, Details

The big picture is easy but it is all of the little details that can impact a guest’s experience. Being detail-oriented is my strongest quality. It’s my job to make sure EVERY DETAIL COUNTS!